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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Consequences of Dirty & Cheap Air Filters

Consequences of having a dirty air filter

In the quest for a healthier home and efficient HVAC systems, many Americans overlook a simple yet crucial aspect – the air filter. Surprisingly, 29% of Americans never change their filters or leave it to their HVAC company to decide when to do so. Even more alarming, 82% don’t change their filters regularly. This oversight […]

Understanding the True Cost of Disposable Air Filters: A Surprising Analysis

The cost implications of a $16 disposable air filter escalating to an annual expense of over $1,000 for a tenant may seem far-fetched at first glance. However, this significant cost increase is grounded in research conducted by Montgomery, Green, Rogak, and Bartlett at the University of British Columbia (UBC). The UBC study examines the energy […]